Sunday, September 6, 2009

life cycle of a cockroach

The young of a cockroach is known as a nymph.
The cockroach has 3 stages in its life cycle: egg , nymph and adult cockroach.
The female cockroach deposits its eggs in a leathery egg case known as ootheca in dark places.
The eggs are left to hatch on their own.
Each egg case or capsule may contain 16 to 50 eggs.
Nymphs emerge from the eggs in 6 to 8 weeks.
These nymphs look like the adults except they are smaller, wingless and of a slightly different colour.
Like the caterpillar, the nymph eats a lot and moults.
The diet of the nymph is similar to that of its parents.
The nymph moults about five to thirteen times before transforming into an adult.
The number of times it moults depends on the species and the local conditions.
The nymph needs six to thirrteen months to mature.
An adult cockroach can live up to a year.
A female cockroach can produce about 150 eggs.

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