Saturday, August 8, 2009

area and perimeter by John Paul

The area is the the shape or the figure. The perimeter is around the figure.
*Area is length times the breadth. The breadth is always shoter than the length and the length is always longer than the breadth.
*For area, you use cm2.You read it as two centermeter square. So if you get the answer of 13, it will be 13 centimeter square. You write it as 13cm2.
*So for area, you multiply, not add.
*The perimeter is the distance around the outside/around of the shape.
*If you ever come across a question that ask you what is the perimeter of the figure, an easier method would be imagine that you are walking aroud the figure.
So for perimeter, you add, not plus.

John Paul ~_~!

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