Saturday, August 8, 2009

Area & Perimeter by Naqqiudynn

The word 'perimeter' literally means 'distance around'. It is a path that surrounds an area. The term may be used either for the path or its length. For a rectangle like this one:

3 cm
| | 2 cm
| |

One way to 'walk around' the rectangle would be to move from A to B (a distance of 3 cm), then from B to C (a distance of 2 cm), then from C to D (a distance of 3 cm), and finally from D to A (a distance
of 2 cm).

The total distance involved would be 3 + 2 + 3 + 2 which is 10cm. So that's the perimeter of the rectangle: 10cm.

An area is a count of how many unit squares fit inside a figure. two dimensions, whereas perimeter involves only one. The way to think of area is in terms of the amount of paint that is needed to cover a shape. If something has twice as much area, then twice as much paint is needed.

For a rectangle, we compute area by multiplying the length by the width:

3 cm
| | 2 cm perimeter = 3 + 2 + 3 + 2 = 10 cm
| | area = 3 * 2 = 6 square cm

DONE BY naqqiuDYnn

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