Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Roots by Gangaaram

I am going to share with you about the roots of a plant and other parts too.
Roots:The roots play an important part, they bring water, mineral salt and sunlight.The roots hold the plant firmly to the ground so that the plant wont be pushed away when the wind goes wild.The roots of the tree is huge because trees are tall and big.

Flower:Many plants have flowers,flowers come in different shapes, sizes and colours.When the flower starts to grow a gardener will be happy because whenever a flower grows the flower drops and then the fruit starts to grow.

Leaves:The leaves are very important for the plant if there are no leaves the plant will die because they wont get enough food supply.The leaves are green because have green pigment called chlorophyll.The green pigment called cholorophyll takes in sunlight so the plant has enough heat.The leaves make food by chlorophyll, the leaves then transfer the food to other parts of the plant.When the leaves are in different colours the still have chlorophyll, when you scratch the leaves threre will be green chlorophyll.

Thats the end of my post.

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