Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Plants by Jin Kang

Hi, everybody I am going to share with you about my weakess thing in science, the plant.

I am going to start by writing about the roots.

roots: The root takes in water and mineral salts form the soil.If there is no roots, the plant will not have water nor mineral salts. The plant will soon die.

stem: The stem transport the water from the roots to the leaves to make food for the plant.If you cut a part of the stem,the food will be stuck and it will soom die.

Leaves: The leaves have a green pigment called chlorophyll. Chlorophyll hels the plant to take in sunlight to make food. The plant needs water, air and sunlight to make food. This is called photosynthesis. If there is no leaves there will be no food for the plant.

Best Regards,

Jin Kang!!!!!!!!!!! :)

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