Friday, August 21, 2009

Plant system by Joline

A plant is a system. A plant has plant parts such as leaves,stem and roots. A leaf is also make up of different parts. Their parts
are leaf stalk,leaf blade and veins. Some leaves does not have leaf stalks. The function of the leaves is to make food for the plant. this process is called photosynthesis. There are different kinds of edges. Like tooth edge,lobed edge,smooth edge. Functions of roots,:
A plant is firmly held to the ground by its roots.
Roots also absord water ,nutrients and mineral salts from the soil. Mineral salts are substances which are needed for plants to grow well. Water is needed for keeping the fleshy parts of a plant firm and for making food. Without roots,the leaves cannot make food and the plants cannot grow healthily.Some roots store food and are edible. Like the turnip,carrot and sweet potato.Although most land plants have roots which grow in the soil,some have roots which hang in te air like the banyan tree. There are other types of roots like the breathing roots,storage roots,clasping roots.Example of breathing roots are mangrove plant. Functions of stems is :
A stem carry water,mineral salts and strach from one part of the plant to another.
A stem holds the leaves and enables them to reach for sunlight which is necessary for making food. Most stems grow above ground but some grow underground. These stems store food as well. Some plants have woody stems. The trunk of a tree is a woody stem. The covering of the trunk is called the bark. Some plants do not have woody stems. Some plants have weak stems. They creep or twine around for support. They may climb up tall trees or fences to help the leaves get enough sunlight. Hope you like the info!! Done By: Joline Lum 3-E^^

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